Our research

Since our foundation in 2006, we defined research, development and innovation as the central purpose of our work, which has transformed us into a worldwide model for aquaculture photoperiod technology. We are a multidisciplinary team with highly trained academic professionals and extensive work experience in applied research and development focused on production. This has allowed us to make quantifiable contributions to improve production efficiency in the aquaculture industry.

Quality manufacturing

La rigurosidad del ambiente marino y las necesidades biológicas de las especies cultivadas, son la base del diseño y desarrollo de las luminarias, las que son manufacturadas en nuestra fabrica con estrictos controles de calidad en sus procesos.

Para este fin, contamos con laboratorios y talleres eléctricos especializados, organizados en mås de 500 m2  de infraestructura, lo que nos permite entregar productos de vanguardia tecnológica, diseñados y fabricados de acuerdo con los requerimientos específicos de la industria acuícola y de las certificaciones internacionales.

The demanding needs of the marine environment and biological grown species are the base of the design and development of the lighting. These are carefully manufactured under strict quality controls in all the manufacturing processes. 

For this purpose, we count on laboratories and specialized electric workshops, which are organized in more than 500 m2 of infraestructure, allowing us to provide the market with cutting edge technology products, which are designed and manufactured according to international standards and specific requirements of the aquaculture industry.


We manage the correct functioning of the photoperiod system in all stages of the productive cycle. Our service considers the installation, disassembly and equipment maintenance through the Operation Department.

We also rely on biological technicians that provide training and consulting while monitoring the main environmental and biological variables that affect photoperiod. Moreover, the R&D Department, through KAM offers consulting, planning and supervision for our customers through the entire productive cycle.

At Bioled, excellency is our motivation. As leaders in photoperiod technology, we provide the best solutions for the aquaculture industry. Therefore, we are constantly improving our processes through research and development. We aim at being a real sustainable contribution for the environment.

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