In 2006, in the city of Puerto Montt, we launched a prototype of submersible LED lighting to be used as photoperiod technology.

The chilean salmon industry allowed us to grow and solidify into a worldwide model company in salmon photoperiod technology. 

Since the beginning, it has been our goal to contribute to a reduction in the carbon footprint by decreasing the amount of fossil fuels used in farming centers. Thus, our visionary idea! Nowadays, the world market is increasingly demanding regarding carbon efficiency. Furthermore, we know that our company is working to achieve ASC certification to endorse agreements such as the “Global Salmon Initiative.” Proudly faithful to our original line of action, we currently provide the market with equipment that may allow companies to save nearly 30% of energy and obtain excellent production results. In addition, over the past two years we have drawn up a plan that, in a short period of time, will lead us into a sustainable company. 

After a few years of experience in the market, our customers led us to understand that having one photoperiod lighting was not enough. To be a truly great solution it was essential to know how to bring this technology to its maximum performance. This not only required the lighting to operate during 100% of the productive cycle, but it was also necessary to measure biological and environmental variables that may be affected by photoperiod, and perform a continuous study of its effect on the group of fish.

Since then, over the last 16 years, we defined our company’s mission as leading the world as a premier expert in photoperiod. We created an R&D Department and we have focused on the task of studying salmon physiology, existing photoperiod techniques, and how its use influences real conditions in farming center productivity.

Concurrently, we decided to implement a professional operation department that includes equipment and equipment rentals working at 100% in all the regions where we provide services. Today, we count on a team of 26 field electric technicians, most of whom have SEC certifications, and have also attended electrical installation courses.

From 2017 onward, we understood that the best contribution BIOLED can make to this industry is to help convert photoperiod into a controllable variable. Hence, based on an initial diagnosis of fish groups and well-defined productive objectives, we have made the following available: equipment, services, and consulting. Our results have shown a growth increase of 30% above what was projected and the harvest of fish weighing 5,5 kg after 12 months of growth.

Our next steps are to automatize the artificial photoperiod systems so that they can be controlled from inland. At the same time, we intend to automatize data collection to generate a database that will allow us to use artificial intelligence soon.

We are grateful and proud to count on the trust of our clients who have given us the opportunity to install more than 30.000 lighting units in 395 farming center during the last 5 years. We greatly value the confidence they have placed in us and know that it is a reflection of years of hard work, deep learning, and shared experience. 

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